📅Fundamentals 29 Schedule

📅 Course Dates

Week 1, Course Day 1: Pre-Course Briefing

Meeting time: 07:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Basic Data Manipulation

In Class

  1. Opening Brief

  2. Introductions

  3. Section Introductions and Icebreakers

Week 1, Course Day 2: Coding Tools

Meeting time: 07:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Coding Fundamentals used to be called SWE101 and some of our videos were made before the name change and still reference the old name of SWE101. Please take note!

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Basic Data Manipulation

In Class

Please do not attempt in-class material before class for all course days, so that you and your partner can both attempt the problems for the first time during class. If you are looking for more material to work on, we suggest attempting the More Comfortable sections of previous days' exercises. If that is not enough, please message your section leader for more exercises.

Week 2, Course Day 3: Functions

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Module 3: Structuring and Debugging Code

In Class

Week 2, Course Day 4: Logic 1

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Module 4: Conditional Logic

In Class

Project Start: Scissors Paper Stone

Project 1: Scissors Paper Stone (Part 1)

Week 3, Course Day 5: Logic 2, States

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Module 4: Conditional Logic

Module 5: Global State

In Class

Project Continuation

Project 1: Scissors Paper Stone (Part 2)

Week 3, Course Day 6: Git, GitHub

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Project Due: SPS

Project 1: Scissors Paper Stone

Pre Class

Module 7: Version Control

Module 8: GitHub

In Class

Week 4, Course Day 7: Arrays, Loops 1

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Module 6: Arrays and Iteration

In Class

Project Start: Beat That!

Project 2: Beat That!

Week 4, Course Day 8: Loops 2

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Module 6: Arrays and Iteration

In Class

Week 5, Course Day 9: GitHub

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Project Due: Beat That!

Project 2: Beat That!

Pre Class

Module 8: GitHub

In Class

Week 5, Course Day 10: Objects, Card Logic

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Module 9: Objects

In Class

Project Start: Blackjack

Project 3: Blackjack

Week 6, Course Day 11: HTML, CSS DOM

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Pre Class

Module 10: Advanced

In Class

Week 6, Course Day 12: Project Presentations

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Project Due

Project 3: Blackjack

In Class

  • Course Feedback and Reviews

  • LinkedIn certificate presentations

  • Class Photo 🥳

  • Closing Ceremony 🎓

Post-course Materials

Meeting time: 7:30 PM SGT (GMT+8)

Project Continuation (optional)

Module 10: Advanced

Recommended Sites to continue your coding journey!

Last updated