Today we will practise JavaScript Objects. Choose one of the two exercises, Moar Cards or Chat Bot, and work your way through up till your preferred level of comfort. You are free to complete the other exercise at your own time.
Build an app using the Fundamentals Starter Code and the pre-class deck functions such that when the user clicks Submit, draw a single card from a shuffled deck and show it to them.
Low Card
Implement the High Card game from 9.1: Objects with 1 difference: the winner is the person with the lowest card.
Low Card with Queen Winner
Alter the Low Card game such that if any player draws a Queen, they win.
Low Card Hands
The player can input how many cards they want. The lowest of the player's cards is compared against the computer's 1 card. Show the player all the cards that they drew. Rules from above exercises continue to apply.
Low Card Suit Output
Implement a nice-looking output for Low Card. Use a helper function to display each card nicely with emoji (♠️, ♥️, etc.). Try to avoid repeating code if possible.
Player 1 drew:
1 of ♦️.
Player 2 drew:
6 of ♣️.
6 of ♣️ beats 1 of ♦!
Player 2 wins!
More Comfortable
Low Card with Wild Card
Update our latest Low Card implementation with the following twist. At the beginning of the game, pick (but do not draw) a random card in the deck to be the Wild Card. If either player draws the Wild Card, that player automatically wins.
Low Card with Player-Chosen Wild Card
Same rules as Low Card with Wild Card, except at the beginning of the game the player names a single card as input to be the Wild Card. The Wild Card can be identified with a card name and suit.
Low Card with Bets
Allow the player to wager points on each round. Add a new mode for the beginning of each round where the player selects the number of points to wager. They win the wagered points if they win, and lose the points if they lose or draw. The player begins with 100 points. After each round, output the player's remaining points.
Low Card 2-Player Mode
2 human players play against each other. The computer draws 3 cards for each player at the start of the game. The players take turns playing 1 card from their hand at a time. For each card played per player, the lowest card wins. The player that wins the best of 3 wins overall. The grey box will tell the players to switch so they don't see each other's cards.
Low Card 2-Player Mode with Pairs
Update the previous game logic such that if any player gets a pair in their hand, they win.
Reference Solutions
Here is a reference solution for Day 9 exercises. Please only view the reference solution for each exercise after you have attempted the exercise yourself. Note that there are many ways to implement these solutions and the reference solution is only 1 way.
Today we will practice more complex code logic with nested objects and arrays.
We will make a chat bot that asks questions when the submit button is clicked. The user can respond by typing and submitting input and the bot can respond further. Please read all exercises before beginning to see how the chat bot can become more complex.
The following is a sample conversation between Bot and User.
Bot: Hey, wow you seem happy today! Have you been coding? (yes/no/maybe)
User: Yes.
Bot: Wow! Me too! I've been working on the Blackjack project. Makes my day!
Store Chat Bot Responses in Object
We will use JavaScript Objects to encode the chat bot's potential responses.
var answersAndResponses = {
yes: `Wow! Me too! I've been working on the Blackjack project. Makes my day!`,
no: 'Oh ok, just normally happy ;)',
maybe: 'It seems the very thought of coding makes people happy!',
Retrieve Chat Bot Responses with User Input
We can retrieve the relevant chat bot response by using user input to access the relevant response from the answers object.
// value of input is 'yes'
var responseText = answersAndResponses[input];
Single Chat Bot Answer Set
Implement the chat bot described above, that asks a yes/no/maybe question and can respond to a user's response of "yes", "no", or "maybe".
Multiple Chat Bot Answer Sets
Extend the capabilities of the chat bot by storing question and answer text in the same object, like the following.
Sample Answer Set
var questionAndAnswerSet = {
'Hey, wow you seem happy today! Have you been coding? (yes/no/maybe)',
answers: {
yes: `Wow! Me too! I've been working on the Blackjack project. Makes my day!`,
no: 'Oh ok, just normally happy ;)',
maybe: 'It seems the very thought of coding makes people happy!',
To have our chat bot support more than 1 question, put the above questionAndAnswerSet object into an array of chat bot answer sets, and add a 2nd answer set to our array. The bot will pick which question to ask and answer next.
Sample Array of Answer Sets
var questionAndAnswerSets = [
'Hey, wow you seem happy today! Have you been coding? (yes/no/maybe)',
answers: {
yes: `Wow! Me too! I've been working on the Blackjack project. Makes my day!`,
no: 'Oh ok, just normally happy ;)',
maybe: 'It seems the very thought of coding makes people happy!',
'Do you enjoy coding most during the day, night, or both? (day/night/both)',
answers: {
day: 'Ah yes, when the sun is high in the sky, I can feel its energy too.',
night: 'Under the calm and gentle moon, I also find my focus.',
both: "Indeed, I could code 24/7 if I didn't have to sleep!",
Implement a chat bot that alternates between these 2 questions.
Chat Bot Stores User's Name
Add a new chat bot question that asks for the user's name and responds with a sentence containing the user's name. After greeting the user, the chat bot proceeds with the question from previous exercises.
Sample Chat Bot Conversation
Bot: Hey! I'm Robocop. What's your name?
User: Kai
Bot: Kai! What a cool name.
Kai, Hey, wow you seem happy today! Have you been coding? (yes/no/maybe).
Use the user's name in the bot's subsequent output. You may want to store the user name in a global variable.
Sample Subsequent Bot Output
Bot: Kai! Hey, wow you seem happy today! Have you been coding? (yes/no/maybe).
Chat Bot Stores User's Age
Update the chat bot to ask for the user's age after their name. The chat bot's response will differ based on the user's age. For example, we can respond with different outputs if the user is under 20, between 20-60, and above 60.
Sample Chat Bot Conversation
Bot: Hey! I'm Robocop. What's your name?
User: Kai
Bot: Kai! What a cool name. How old are you?
User: 63
Bot: What a wise age, Kai! Hey, wow you seem happy today! Have you been coding? (yes/no/maybe).
More Comfortable
Chat Bot Named Answer Sets
Update our chat bot answer set array to be an object whose keys are answer set IDs and values are answer sets. Also add a nextQuestion key to each answer set object, whose value is always an answer set ID, enabling us to chain question sequences in a named manner. This doesn't add new functionality beyond ordering questions using an array, but it sets up the next exercise Dynamic Chat Bot.
Sample Answer Set Collection
var questionAndAnswerSets = {
hasBeenCoding: {
'Hey, wow you seem happy today! Have you been coding? (yes/no/maybe)',
answers: {
yes: `Wow! Me too! I've been working on the Blackjack project. Makes my day!`,
no: 'Oh ok, just normally happy ;)',
maybe: 'It seems the very thought of coding makes people happy!',
nextQuestionId: 'timeOfDay',
timeOfDay: {
'Do you enjoy coding most during the day, night, or both? (day/night/both)',
answers: {
day: 'Ah yes, when the sun is high in the sky, I can feel its energy too.',
night: 'Under the calm and gentle moon, I also find my focus.',
both: "Indeed, I could code 24/7 if I didn't have to sleep!",
nextQuestionId: 'weather',
weather: {
question: "Are you most productive when it's sunny or raining? (sun/rain)",
answers: {
sun: 'The sun warms my heart and powers me to code.',
rain: 'The rain washes away my distractions and allows me to focus.',
nextQuestionId: 'hasBeenCoding',
Dynamic Chat Bot
Update our chat bot to choose a next question based on the answer that the user gives. This next question's ID can be stored in the object that corresponds to the user's answer. See the following sample answer set collection for inspiration. Note that some questions have nextQuestionId nested within specific answers, and other question have nextQuestionId fixed for the question.
Sample Answer Set Collection
var questionAndAnswerSets = {
hasBeenCoding: {
'Hey, wow you seem happy today! Have you been coding? (yes/no/maybe)',
answers: {
yes: {
"Wow! Me too! I've been working on the Blackjack project. Makes my day!",
nextQuestionId: 'timeOfDay',
no: {
response: 'Oh ok, just normally happy ;)',
nextQuestionId: 'happiness',
timeOfDay: {
'Do you enjoy coding most during the day, night, or both? (day/night/both)',
answers: {
day: 'Ah yes, when the sun is high in the sky, I can feel its energy too.',
night: 'Under the calm and gentle moon, I also find my focus.',
both: "Indeed, I could code 24/7 if I didn't have to sleep!",
nextQuestionId: 'weather',
weather: {
question: "Are you most productive when it's sunny or raining? (sun/rain)",
answers: {
sun: 'The sun warms my heart and powers me to code.',
rain: 'The rain washes away my distractions and allows me to focus.',
nextQuestionId: 'hasBeenCoding',
happiness: {
question: 'Do arrays or objects make you happier? (arrays/objects)',
answers: {
arrays: 'I knew it, arrays are my favourite too.',
objects: "You're good at coding- objects are hard!",
nextQuestionId: 'timeOfDay',
Fortune Telling
Add questions to our chat bot that are purportedly for fortune telling, but where the bot always provides standard responses that anyone might believe are individualised. For example, the bot might ask "Let me tell your fortune. If you have a birthmark, where is it on your body?" and respond with "You have a great need for other people to like and admire you."
Such statements that people might feel are individualised but can apply to everyone are known as Barnum statements. Read more about the Barnum effect and statements here.
Reference Solutions
Here is a reference solution for Day 10 exercises. Please only view the reference solution for each exercise after you have attempted the exercise yourself. Note that there are many ways to implement these solutions and the reference solution is only 1 way.